Discover upcoming events and previously recorded webinars
Easily manage your projects from start to finish with our PPO Webinars

Team Members
PPO for Team Members consists of a two-part series with the purpose of educating you, the first-time user, who has just received your welcome e-mail, why you should be using PPO and what’s in it for you. There are no pre-requisites for this webinar.
Basic navigation will also be covered which is aimed at assisting the Team Member in understanding the importance of their role on projects.
Getting Started for Users
The Getting Started for Users webinar is a 40-minute live webinar course with no pre-requisites aimed at providing new users with a high-level overview of PPO and key concepts. We will walk you through some basic tips and tricks to get you started with PPO right away. You can either watch the entire webinar recording, or you can select each of the topics below, and watch the individual video recordings.
The following topics will be covered:
Basics For Team Members
The Basics for the Team Members webinar is a 1 hour live webinar course aimed at team members who have attended the Getting Started for Users webinar and are ready to start collaborating with fellow team members. This course provides an overview of PPO user functionality available to team members. You can either watch the entire webinar recording, or you can select each of the topics below, and watch the individual video recordings.
The following topics will be covered: