Taking on the PPM software myths, part two


Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software shakes most organisations to the core and its touch points spread throughout the enterprise, way beyond projects. You’ll find that areas including finance, marketing, human resources, senior management, business operations and other systems are also all impacted. These areas often provide input to the project environment and will more than likely be affected by a project’s outputs. The fact is, PPM software is best used across the entire organisation, so ample consideration must be given to the enterprise-wide impact of changes around management as a result of the newly implemented PPM software. These changes are the focus of the next part of the series of PPM software myths (if you missed part 1, read it here).

Myth two: implementing PPM software does not change the way an organisation manages projects

The way both businesses and projects are operated does change when the principle tool used to conduct project processes is replaced by a new solution. And so it should. PPM software enables organisations to generate significantly more value from projects, even while cutting costs. The very presence of a new software tool ensures that change will take place. Seems obvious, but surprisingly many organisations expect their current system to remain unaltered and the new software to simply fix broken pieces of the existing system. Truthfully, PPM tools should not only add efficiency to the current system, but should also add value in weak areas while enhancing successful ones. If the system simply automates that which was already in place, the organisation will continue to experience the pains of the past with no added value (and a lot of time and money wasted).

More efficient project management and collaboration

PPM software, like Project Portfolio Office (PPO), creates a platform for project information to be centrally created and stored. This ensures that teams are always on the same page by maintaining work items and documentation in a centralised place. A central repository in itself is a change, forcing teams to approach collaboration and communication on projects differently.

Getting more done

Most tools eliminate the necessity for maintaining documentation outside of the system with project logs and the reporting thereof generated from within the system. As a result of the increased visibility and real time reporting now available, the focus of progress / status meetings is now changed to more of an exception-based approach. Project managers can now adapt their style from “tell me what has happened in the last period” to “what support is needed to address what was not completed in the last period”.

Are you looking for a PPM and collaboration tool that improves teamwork and allows your organisation to collaborate both with internal teams and with clients?

While it’s clear that a PPM implementation does change the way an organisation manages projects, is your organisation one of those that needs a PPM application? If so, try a free 30-day trial of Project Portfolio Office (PPO) today at www.go2ppo.com/free-trial/.

PPO is an award winning online project portfolio management and collaboration application. PPO is simple, immediate, secure and affordable. PPO is flexible and can be configured to support any methodology.

Author: Tarryn-Leigh Frans

Tarryn-Leigh is the Marketing Manager at PPO. She is enthusiastic about business improvement and is keen to share information and influence change. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and spending time with her husband and dogs.