Category: Product News

More data fields in PPO

Have you seen our newest enhancement? Of course, you have, it’s hard to miss! Our latest enhancement has added an additional 20 project data fields and an average of 15 more fields across other entities. Why is this good news? For those of you that don’t know what the fuss is about, data fields are … Continue reading "More data fields in PPO"

PPO practices continuous deployment

Previously at Project Portfolio Office (PPO), we followed a "tick-tock" approach for new releases. That is, we would have a customer facing release (the "tick") followed by a technical release (the "tock"). The customer facing releases were typically enhancement requests from our customers or internally generated enhancements that our users would "see", while the technical … Continue reading "PPO practices continuous deployment"

Release – November 2013 Successfully Deployed!

This version upgrade of PPO includes further benefits for all our clients!  Support for Google Maps in URL fields – PPO allows users to enter two coordinates (one for latitude and one for longitude) and then follow a calculated link to the defined location in Google Maps Document Link for Template Projects – When copying items from … Continue reading "Release – November 2013 Successfully Deployed!"

Release – September 2013!

Project Portfolio Office has released an upgraded version which includes three items which will enhance your user experience in PPO. User & List Page Preference - The user and field list pages now remember sort order and criteria selected.  Previously it just defaulted back to the standard and filtering and sequencing which was selected was lost. … Continue reading "Release – September 2013!"

Project Portfolio Office Version 3.4.3 – June 2013 Released!

We are pleased to announce that Version 3.4.3 has successfully been deployed.  The enhancements include: E-mail notifications to non-users - In the previous release we removed the ability to send notifications to non-users. For some clients however this is key functionality. We have therefore introduced a configuration setting which will enable e-mail notifications to non-users. … Continue reading "Project Portfolio Office Version 3.4.3 – June 2013 Released!"