Category: Articles

Introducing the Calendar & My List Widgets!

We’ve supercharged your Home Page and added the Calendar and the My List widgets to our growing list of new widgets (Chart, Key Metrics & Bar Chart)! We don’t typically deploy two significant features at the same time, but this had to be an exception to the rule!

The new Bar Chart Widget is now available on list pages!

Since launching the Donut & Treemap Chart Widgets in 2022, we have made several improvements to the functionality including the Key Metric Widget and the ability to filter and add charts using RAG fields. We have made another improvement to allow you to add Bar Charts to your list pages!

Getting to grips with benefits management and delivery within the PMO

Despite the best efforts of many project management offices (PMOs), most are still struggling to get benefits management and delivery – a crucial part of ensuring that the business sees a return on its investment – successfully in place. Benefits management remains an elusive goal for many PMOs.

User Group or All User Tagging Available!

We have improved the Conversations functionality to make your day-to-day tagging and collaboration even better! We have added the ability to tag multiple users by either tagging @All users or tagging all users that belong to a specific @UserGroup!

Catch Up on PPO’s most recent smaller but helpful enhancements

Catch Up on PPO’s most recent smaller but helpful enhancements that will improve your PPO experience. In the spirit of simpler, better and faster, we’ve got some new enhancements to user groups, public holidays, BI API, filters, viewing feed items on mobile devices and more….

Introducing hyperlinks for Conversations!

Since launching Conversations in 2022 we have made several improvements including adding the notification count and alerts, adding conversations to Time Entries, Marking Items as Unread and Automated Emails for Unread Feed Items.
Good news! We have made another improvement by allowing you to add a hyperlink to your conversations!

Introducing Colour Coding on Key Metrics!

With the introduction of the Key Metric Widget we promised additional improvements and asked you to keep sending us your ideas. Good news! We have delivered on this promise! You can now apply different colours to your Key Metrics based on certain conditions or ranges.

Missed the What’s new in PPO webinar? Watch the recording…

While we’re being honest, our DevOps team loves the excitement of bringing our clients new features, but the real reward is in seeing our users adopt new ways of work and improve collaboration within their PMOs. And that’s where the PPO Product Webinars come in. Whether you’re just getting started with PPO, or you’re a seasoned user, there’s always something new to discover and ways to improve! So make sure that you’ve “saved the date” for this year’s remaining product webinars.