Category: Articles

2013: the year of expansion

... At home The past year has been a significant one for Project Portfolio Office (PPO), with the common theme across the board being expansion. In the last 12 months we have almost doubled our team, adding new staff members to our marketing, sales, delivery, support and development areas. These new faces have brought much … Continue reading "2013: the year of expansion"

World Aids Day 2013

We had the privilege of sponsoring the Amadea Safe House in Pretoria North this week in support of World Aids Day.  Every year, Amadea holds an Aids Day Christmas party for the more than one hundred children that are both in its care and also from the surrounding community, and this year a few of the … Continue reading "World Aids Day 2013"

Hip hip hooray

We surprised Mia on Monday morning with a lovely flowery cake at tea time.  Mia was one of the  first ladies in our team.  The teamsters enjoyed the three layered cake, each layer a different shade of pink.  The healthy eating plans were momentarily forgotten, but I did notice they all took the 7 flights of … Continue reading "Hip hip hooray"

Benefitting from a web-based project management system

Cloud computing has expanded significantly over the last few years, leading to an considerable increase in the use of web-based project management systems. These software applications can provide organisations of any size with a number of benefits, including workflow management, keeping project teams informed at all times, and allowing organisations to manage their projects and … Continue reading "Benefitting from a web-based project management system"

Jeanette’s turn to wear the purple ears

Whenever it is a team members birthday we like to dress them up in a pair of funny ears, or an outrageous tie. This week our trendy office manager enjoyed the purple polka dot ears.  The neon coloured cupcakes also added to the festive party celebration! I love PPO birthday parties.

Release – November 2013 Successfully Deployed!

This version upgrade of PPO includes further benefits for all our clients!  Support for Google Maps in URL fields – PPO allows users to enter two coordinates (one for latitude and one for longitude) and then follow a calculated link to the defined location in Google Maps Document Link for Template Projects – When copying items from … Continue reading "Release – November 2013 Successfully Deployed!"