Category: Articles

Project Portfolio Office backs PMSA biennial conference

Online project portfolio management (PPM) and collaboration application provider, Project Portfolio Office has pledged its support of the Project Management South Africa (PMSA) Biennial National Conference 2014, as the event’s Technology Sponsor. With the theme of “Growing project management in Africa”, the PMSA conference is set to take place at the Wanderers Club in Johannesburg … Continue reading "Project Portfolio Office backs PMSA biennial conference"

PPO’s Amazing Race

Project Portfolio Office’s (PPO) recent “Amazing Race” was an adventurous quest and treasure hunt with a technological edge. The hopeful teams made their way to iconic Pretoria Zoo in a minibus taxi each with a goal to finish as the number one team. But before the race could begin, teams loosened their limbs with some … Continue reading "PPO’s Amazing Race"

PPO welcomes newest client, The South African Association of Freight Forwarders

The South African Association for Freight Forwarders (SAAFF) is a national, non-profit association with members throughout the Republic of South Africa. The Association enables members to use their collective knowledge and skills to determine and recommend practical and effective responses to the many challenges facing not only the forwarding and customs clearing industry, but also … Continue reading "PPO welcomes newest client, The South African Association of Freight Forwarders"

Project Portfolio Office targets Irish market with Trigraph

DUBLIN – July 30, 2014 – As part of the company’s strategy to grow its global footprint, Project Portfolio Office has joined forces with Dublin-based Trigraph Professional Services, to gain greater traction within the Irish market for its online project management and collaboration application, PPO. “Trigraph Professional Services helps its clients to drive performance improvements … Continue reading "Project Portfolio Office targets Irish market with Trigraph"

More data fields in PPO

Have you seen our newest enhancement? Of course, you have, it’s hard to miss! Our latest enhancement has added an additional 20 project data fields and an average of 15 more fields across other entities. Why is this good news? For those of you that don’t know what the fuss is about, data fields are … Continue reading "More data fields in PPO"

Developing the project

All projects originate from somewhere: a need, a want, a directive, a problem, a catastrophic failure that needs correcting, and so on.  Often, when problems arise in an organisation, they are quickly attacked by well-meaning individuals who want to solve the issue quickly.  Whilst that may work for small issues, when the need or problem … Continue reading "Developing the project"