Category: Articles

MMI extends the use of PPO to their Infrastructure & Operations Division

MMI has extended their use of Project Portfolio Office (PPO) to their Infrastructure and Operations Division, having successfully deployed PPO to the Finance and HR Divisions. This division of MMI will utilise PPO to manage their IT portfolio of normal and operational projects. MMI Holdings Ltd is a South African based financial services group listed … Continue reading "MMI extends the use of PPO to their Infrastructure & Operations Division"

Netcare Properties joins PPO!

PPO Netcare Properties

Netcare Properties, a division of the largest private hospital network in South Africa and the United Kingdom chose Project Portfolio Office (PPO) to streamline all their project management needs. This division of Netcare is responsible for all the refurbishments, upgrades, additions as well as the interior design of all facilities in South Africa. To keep … Continue reading “Netcare Properties joins PPO!”

PPO and MMI share their recipe for success at the PwC PMO Forum

It’s not every day that PPO gets the opportunity to share our recipe for success for implementing a project portfolio management application and this opportunity was made possible  at the PricewaterhouseCooper’s (PwC) Project Management Office (PMO) forum.  The PMO forum, sponsored by PwC Advisory, is an interest group under the umbrella of Project Management South … Continue reading "PPO and MMI share their recipe for success at the PwC PMO Forum"

Metrofibre Networx chooses PPO for greater project visibility

Metrofibre Networx supplies managed bandwidth services between customers and their preferred service providers. They interconnect all services like, internet access, email, hosting, voice or even disaster recovery type data, passing through all the major commercial areas. This service is specifically delivered to the small or medium enterprise (SME). Metrofibre Networx was looking for a simple … Continue reading "Metrofibre Networx chooses PPO for greater project visibility"

Can anything be a project?

Probably.  Is it a good idea?  That depends.  Project management best practices, when applied to various efforts, usually help produce positive outcomes – sometimes making drastic differences on many engagements.  But is everything a project and can everything fit the definition of being a project?  Still not sure?  When I first became a project manager, … Continue reading "Can anything be a project?"