Category: Articles

MOYO Business Advisory centralises data for improved decision making with PPO’s PPM tool

South African system architecture and analytics company, MOYO Business Advisory has rolled out PPO, Project Portfolio Office’s simple to use, cost effective and scalable project portfolio management (PPM) application, using the tool at an operational level for improved service delivery. “MOYO plays within the complete ‘change your business’ space, providing services such as process optimisation, … Continue reading "MOYO Business Advisory centralises data for improved decision making with PPO’s PPM tool"

Sanlam reduced costs by 40 percent by consolidating project portfolio management platforms with PPO

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Sanlam, one of South Africa’s largest financial services groups, has reduced project-related technology costs by 40 percent, by consolidating three different platforms for the management of its projects, enhancements, support, demand and supply management and timesheets portfolios, into one. As one of the largest financial services groups in South Africa, Sanlam provides a number of … Continue reading "Sanlam reduced costs by 40 percent by consolidating project portfolio management platforms with PPO"

To Certify or Not to Certify – Still a Burning Project Management Question

project management certification
Project management certification. Is it helpful? Does it get you jobs? Does it increase your project management skills? Does it add value to you as a project manager? Does it add value to the organisation you work for? it worth it? Should hiring organisations require it? Should hiring managers demand it? These are all … Continue reading "To Certify or Not to Certify – Still a Burning Project Management Question"

Total fuels up IS division with PPO; reduces manual project reporting by 50 percent

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Energy company, Total South Africa’s Information Systems (IS) division implements Project Portfolio Office’s cloud-based project portfolio management (PPM) application, PPO, to slash the time spent on project management reporting, reducing it from two and a half days per week to instantaneous, real-time information at any point. “Total’s IS division took the decision to build a … Continue reading "Total fuels up IS division with PPO; reduces manual project reporting by 50 percent"

A Project Full of Regrets

project failures
Ever had a project that just didn’t go well? Of course you have… you may not have realised how bad it was…you still may not realise it…but we’ve all had one or two. For me, it was one that spiralled down the drain due to error-prone deliverables going out to the customer, a staff that was … Continue reading "A Project Full of Regrets"