Category: Articles

Sun International rolls out PPO’s PPM tool to provide an enterprise view of its portfolio.

The project management office (PMO) of Sun International, a business with a proud legacy in the gaming, hospitality and entertainment sector, is using Project Portfolio Office’s cloud-based project and portfolio management (PPM) tool, PPO, to build maturity within its project environment, providing gentle guardrails to establish best practice, while efficiently managing projects.

Introducing Markdown

This video introduces markdown which allows user to apply formatting to text in PPO. e.g. add bulleted lists, bold text, apply italics or headings. We do our very best to make PPO better every day, so we’d love to hear your feedback on these latest enhancements. Don’t forget to let us know if you have … Continue reading “Introducing Markdown”

Export your PPO lists in one click

Ever wanted the information on your list page to be quickly exported into a CSV format? Now you can with PPO’s new Export Button on all list pages in PPO. In the past, users would navigate to the Reports Menu and extract a Detail report for the applicable entity. With less clicks, users now have the flexibility to export your current list page into a CSV formatted file.

New Season, New Improvements

We’ve been working hard in the last couple of months to make PPO easier and simpler to use for our users. Several the improvements we’ve made have come directly from ideas that you, our administrators, have logged on our community portal, so thank you, and please keep logging your ideas to make PPO better.

Taking ownership of your PMO career

The world of the project management office (PMO) has changed dramatically, shifting away from the PMO having an administrative or support role only towards adding real business value. This evolution has been similarly reflected in the career opportunities available within the PMO space.

Automated Report Scheduling now available to PPO Admins

Scheduling report mailers is a feature that has been around for a couple of years now. I’ll assume for just a minute that not everyone is aware of this time-saving feature. This feature automates the scheduling of existing PPO reports or dashboards to a specified list of users at a defined frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).

Build your own Reports and Dashboards with the launch of PPO’s BI API

Today, we take a giant leap forward with the introduction of this highly anticipated feature. We’re launching the PPO Business Intelligence (BI) API, making it possible for you to build your own reports and dashboards by easily connecting your PPO data to your BI reporting tool of choice.