Author: Tarryn-Leigh Frans

Tarryn-Leigh is the Marketing Manager at PPO. She is enthusiastic about business improvement and is keen to share information and influence change. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and spending time with her husband and dogs.

Recap of the Customisable Home Page Product Webinar

In our final new feature webinar for 2023, the configurable home page, multiple filter selection and BI API enhancements were showcased. If you couldn’t make it to the live webinar, well, the good news is that we recorded the session, so you can still take advantage of everything we learned!

Share your lists & stand a chance to win!

Send us a video, screen shot and/or description of how you’re using “My Lists” in PPO to and stand a chance to win a voucher and treat yourself to an item in one of your “Wish Lists”!

Even the small enhancements have huge impact!

We’ve made a number of huge enhancements over the past few months (Copy from Entity View, Send to Feed Business Rule, Calendar, My Lists & Bar Chart Widgets) but we’ve also released a few smaller enhancements this month that you might’ve missed! These enhancements (while small), we know will help to improve your user experience.

Highlights from the Features Webinar

The new feature product webinars introduced the Bar Chart, Calendar & My List Widgets and sneak peek into what’s planned for the rest of the year.

Catch Up on PPO’s most recent smaller but helpful enhancements

Catch Up on PPO’s most recent smaller but helpful enhancements that will improve your PPO experience. In the spirit of simpler, better and faster, we’ve got some new enhancements to user groups, public holidays, BI API, filters, viewing feed items on mobile devices and more….

Missed the What’s new in PPO webinar? Watch the recording…

While we’re being honest, our DevOps team loves the excitement of bringing our clients new features, but the real reward is in seeing our users adopt new ways of work and improve collaboration within their PMOs. And that’s where the PPO Product Webinars come in. Whether you’re just getting started with PPO, or you’re a seasoned user, there’s always something new to discover and ways to improve! So make sure that you’ve “saved the date” for this year’s remaining product webinars.

A new Key Metric Widget is now available on List Pages

So far, we’ve brought you the Chart Widget (Donuts & Tree maps) and visualising and interacting your lists has never been easier. But it hasn’t stopped there. Our new Key Metric Widget is the latest widget and it’s inching us closer to a configurable home page.