Version 3.1.2 – March 2011 Release!

Once again, we are pleased to announce the introduction of the latest version of the PPO application!

Version 3.1.2 March 2011 b

Version 3.1.2 includes enhancements relating to Report configurability, Support for 2010 MSP Project Plans and additional reports.  Herewith further details:

Report configurability – Extensive changes have been made to reporting module within PPO to allow customisation of reports and dashboards based on customer specific requirements. It has also made it significantly easier to develop additional custom reports.

Support for Microsoft Project 2010 project plans – PPO now allows MSP 2010 project plans to be imported directly without first having to convert it to an MSP 2007 project plan.

Additional reports added – A new Monthly Timesheet report as well as a Daily Time Entry report has been added (

Make standard fields required – Although it has always been possible to make standard fields required, it required a support call to be logged to do this on your behalf. You can now perform this yourself through the front-end.

Improvements to approvals – A number of improvements have been made to the approvals functionality based on feedback received from users. These changes will allow even greater flexibility when implementing the business logic and workflow around your approvals process (

We look forward to hearing your feedback and providing further benefits for our future planned upgrades!

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Author: Jimmy Hekma

Jimmy is one of the founders of Project Portfolio Office and is the companies Chief Technology Officer and heads up the Product Management team.