PPO adds new collaboration features with Conversations: Now we’re talking!

Today marks the launch of Conversations in PPO – a new collaboration feature designed to keep project communications and collaboration flowing. This feature provides the ability to have informal chats, add images and documents, reply using familiar reactions, tag in teammates and interested parties and share knowledge and content on any entity (risks, issues, projects, documents and even approvals), you choose. In addition, and very importantly, get notified of new conversations, mentions and replies in PPO by our new Feed Widget which has been deployed to complement the Conversations feature.

Why we introduced Conversations…

I bet you have more than one messaging feed open on all of your devices right now. Teams, Slack, iMessage, WhatsApp, maybe even Telegram? And don’t forget your email inbox. All these great platforms are convenient but can lead to time wasting when trying to track an update or trace a communication thread about your projects. Wouldn’t it be great if all your project-related discussions were in the right place? Enter Conversations…

Over time, this will bring about a shift from email notifications (which can sometimes feel spammy) to real-time communication, and we suspect users will be more dependent on the feed and become more responsive and aware.

With this feature, our mission is to centralise project communications and provide improved collaboration within your favourite PPM tool, ultimately reducing the need for multiple communication tools, saving time and eliminating waste.

Watch this short video to see Conversations and the Feed Widget in action:

We do our very best to make PPO better every day, so we’d love to hear your feedback on these latest enhancements.

Don’t forget to let us know if you have any other product enhancement ideas! Drop us an email or log an idea on our community portal please. More importantly, keep up to date with all our new product information by subscribing to our blog.

Author: Tarryn-Leigh Frans

Tarryn-Leigh is the Marketing Manager at PPO. She is enthusiastic about business improvement and is keen to share information and influence change. In her free time, she loves traveling, reading, and spending time with her husband and dogs.