New Version Release 2.3.4 – February 2009

A minor upgrade was released last week to all PPO clients on the Software as a Service (SaaS) platform.

Version 2.3.4 February 2009

Enhancements include:

Birthday list – A Birthday list is now available as a standard report (

Improvements to password management – Several improvements have been made to allow more flexibility around password policies, including:

  • Prevent the re-use of passwords (password history)
  • Account lock-out (maximum number of password retries)
  • Random default passwords (when a user is initially created or on password reset)
  • Minimum time between password changes (

Link documents to employees – PPO now allows documents to be linked to employees. This is useful for keeping employee related documentation such as employment contracts (

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Author: Jimmy Hekma

Jimmy is one of the founders of Project Portfolio Office and is the companies Chief Technology Officer and heads up the Product Management team.