Seriously casual on Casual Day

The Project Portfolio Office team’s day-to-day dress code is generally casual and low key. Power suits, high heels and salon styled hair are reserved for high days and holidays. So, for Casual Day this year we decided to go all out , with big hats and even bigger hair.

Casual Day is a fundraising project in South Africa where people are encouraged to go to work dressed “casually” for a day. Casual Day is the flagship project of the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in SA (NCPPDSA) and last year the organisation raised R22 million. Companies and individuals supporting the cause wear Casual Day stickers and a funny hat or tie, with the aim of raising awareness for people with disabilities including Autism and Downs Syndrome. The proceeds from this project are then divided between a number of registered organisations supporting people with disabilities.

Along with the seriously casual dress code, we all enjoyed a casual braai on the balcony, remaining in character with our tall hats flapping in the breeze. The view from inside the office was that of a carnival nature and sitting down to do timesheets seemed more colourful a prospect with wings and wands dancing about. We ook a fantastic group photo for social media and also made a fun video clip for our YouTube channel.


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Author: Gilly Fish

Ailurophobic (fear of cats) synchronised swimmer and PPO office culture observer and correspondent, with a passion for Tweeting.