Online project management: A necessary service to keep on top of it all

image_opmanecessaryProject and Portfolio Management (PPM) has shown incredible resilience during the extended global economic downturn. In fact, rather than suffering during the ongoing crisis, demand for this type of solution has actually seen an upturn andonline project management tools are today’s top choice for increased worker and business productivity.

Software as a Service (SaaS) or online delivery models in particular are gaining traction over traditional on-site solutions due to the ability for rapid deployment as well as reduced investment and financial risk. In addition, they are proving to be the answer to globalisation by breaking the barrier of distance as they are designed toenableworkers to collaborate and communicate effortlessly, thereby ensuring that the development of workflow runs efficiently.

Research organisation, Gartner, stated earlier this year that, while the global marketplace was experiencing continued economic upheaval, project and portfolio management still represented one of the key enterprise application software market segments, with SaaS deployments representing extensions to, or replacement of, existing applications and new solutions.

It is clear then that more and more organisations, both large and small, and entrepreneurs across the globe are recognising the need for project management software to manage people, projects and tasks. Although the flexibility and affordability offered by moving to an online option have been proven, some companies are still questioning if this is the right approach for their business.

Essentially, any business running projects today will most certainly be running them tomorrow and well into the future. It’s a logical next step then to say that the success of these projects is critical to the longevity of the organisation in question – meaning that projects must be completed on time, within budget and with the necessary quality levels in order to ensure overall company growth and accomplishment.

So, why should you be leveraging an online project management application to help you meet these requirements?

  • Simplicity – The success of this type of system rests on its ease-of-use and how intuitive it is. Users need to be able to hit the ground running with a new online project management solution, so the learning curve is usually as brief as possible.
  • Immediacy – Online project management applications are available for immediate subscription, so there is no need for a lengthy deployment timeline. A reputable solution provider should also provide access to a fully functional,free online trial version of the software;thereby allowing users to test and evaluate tools before making a decision.
  • Affordability – True SaaS applications operate on a flexible subscription or “pay as you go” basis, thus eliminating the requirement for upfront, capital expenditure and the need for a long-term contract. A business can immediately terminate an agreement, should the application not suit their needs, making it an extremely affordable and“no strings attached”option.
  • Accessibility – An online project management tool provides anytime, anywhere access to anyone that needs it and from any device or platform. Information is centralised, so the latest status of a project, documents, or resource usage statistics are easily accessible as required, saving hugely on time.
  • Security – Online or SaaS project management applications do not require any infrastructure and hardware to be in place. Users therefore need nothing more than a web browser and an internet connection. Plus, the onus is on the service provider to ensure that your data is protected with the necessary security measures immediately and with zero effort or additional cost to you.
  • Benefits –The daily use of an online project management solution will deliver the immediate benefits of visibility of project status and workloads, as well as the ability to generate professional project, programme and portfolio status reporting.

Are you looking for an affordable and reliable web-based online project management tool than can easily can assist in increasing productivity, improving workflow, managing time more effectively and be seamlessly integrated into your daily operations? If so, try a free 30-day trial of Project Portfolio Office (PPO) today at

PPO is an award winning online project portfolio management and collaboration application. PPO is simple, immediate, secure and affordable. PPO is flexible and can be configured to support any methodology.

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Author: Guy Jelley

Guy is one of the founders of PPO and is the company’s CEO. He is very passionate about the Project Management industry, and through this also very driven. Guy is a husband & father of 2, loves jazz, soccer and is a huge Spurs fan.