PPO partners with ARETEN, UK based IT solutions consultancy

Areten Blog Image 2PPO’s latest partner and client, ARETEN, is a UK based IT solutions consultancy providing services to companies preparing for significant IT change projects.  Their business focus is collaborating with IT leaders, specialising in PMO services, virtualisation, shared IT, and cloud services.

As part of their service offering, ARETEN consults and assists NGOs with improving project management maturity. NGOs receive large amounts of funding and need to track the administration, management and reporting thereof.

ARETEN believes that due to the ease of deployment, their clients in the NGO space could utilise PPO’s reporting, collaboration capability to manage their funded projects and optimise the value of the investment through our simple, online application.

PPO welcomes ARETEN and is looking forward to supporting them in making IT Excellence happen in the NGO space in the UK.

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Author: Gilly Fish

Ailurophobic (fear of cats) synchronised swimmer and PPO office culture observer and correspondent, with a passion for Tweeting.