SOIC-cdt invests in PPO to help manage projects for local community empowerment

SIOC Blog Image 2The objective of the Sishen Iron Ore Community Development Trust (SIOC-cdt) is for communities to become economically active and empowered, to the extent that they would be sustainable even when mining is ceased. The vehicle chosen for this was the SIOC-cdt, the custodian of the investment made into the communities, and the operational entity to provide oversight to all the activities related to the beneficiary communities.

Projects are submitted to a review process for funding that evaluates them to see if they are in accordance with the Trust’s mandate, and whether they further the community’s interest and empowerment. Projects are judged on their viability and sustainability.

SIOC-cdt recently procured Project Portfolio Office (PPO) to assist in managing projects undertaken by several of the beneficiary trusts of the organisation. These projects include assisting communities and municipalities in the development of supporting infrastructure, educational support platforms as well as social development initiatives.

The complex stakeholder networks in these projects provide challenges related to collaboration and reporting and it is the hope that PPO would be able to bridge some of the normal shortfalls in these areas.

The implementation and configuration process will be concluded at the end of March and the platform will be in full swing during the new financial year. PPO looks forward to be a valuable tool to help achieve project success.