PPO Season’s Greetings & Version Upgrade

As another year draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients and partners for their support and business during the past year. We appreciate the tremendous value you place in Project Portfolio Office and want to reassure you that we will continue to work hard in 2009 to improve PPO. 2008 has been a year marked with significant change and growth, none of which would have been possible without you.

Our final release for 2008 will be deployed within the next two weeks. Release v2.3.3 is a patch release and includes some of the following benefits for users:

Lifecycle Clickable Icons – The upgrade will improve the mouse-over icon used in the lifecycle section. Users will now see that the mouse cursor will change to a pointer (hand) when moving over items in the lifecycle that have drill downs or links;

Multiple Browser Support – The new version of PPO will allow users to access PPO using Mozilla Firefox and Google‘s new Chrome browser;

Telephone Data Field Lengths – We have increased the length of the telephone number data fields on the Employee entity to cater for foreign phone numbers. The length of the fields are now 25 characters;

Pre-populated Public Holidays – The version upgrade will include the pre-population of the 2009 public holidays for all clients; and

Improved Password Security – The latest version will force all users to reset their passwords once expired or when using PPO for the first time. No by-pass will be allowed ensuring improved security for all users.

Post Vision will close their offices on 24 December 2008 and reopen on 5 January 2009.

During this time stand-by staff are in place to manage the PPOLive infrastructure and monitor the support desk.

We wish you a relaxing and peaceful festive season with family and friends and look forward to seeing you in 2009.

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Author: Guy Jelley

Guy is one of the founders of PPO and is the company’s CEO. He is very passionate about the Project Management industry, and through this also very driven. Guy is a husband & father of 2, loves jazz, soccer and is a huge Spurs fan.