Rome role out

The PPO role out team are in Italy this week.  Gelato’s on sidewalk cafe’s are the order of the day. An interesting fact about Italy is that 60% of the world’s art treasures can be found in the beautiful country. The team is also enjoying the pasta as everyone knows that pasta is Italy’s staple dish. Italians eat it for lunch. They eat it for dinner. They simply, can’t live without their pasta.  It is estimated that Italian’s eat about 27 kilograms of pasta, per person per year!

Just about every visitor heads over to the Trevi Fountain to throw a coin or two into the waters and make a wish.  According to the City of Rome, nearly €700,000 worth of coins gets tossed in each year. The proceeds are donated to Caritas to help the needy.


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Author: Gilly Fish

Ailurophobic (fear of cats) synchronised swimmer and PPO office culture observer and correspondent, with a passion for Tweeting.