PPO teams up with PMSA Western Cape for a successful regional event

PMSA-logo blogJOHANNESBURG  – June 25, 2015 – As part of its ongoing support of, and commitment, to the Project Management South Africa (PMSA) association – both on a regional and provincial basis – Project Portfolio Office (PPO) recently sponsored the 2015 PMSA Western Cape’s annual general meeting. Following the AGM, PPO CEO, Guy Jelley, and Doug Johnson, CEO of Lemon Leadership, addressed attendees on the topic of “Understanding how your people can deliver on project success”.

According to Martin Pressinger, a member of PMSA’s national leadership team and branch manager for the Western Cape PMSA chapter, the event was well received by local members. “The PMSA’s entire reason for existence is to be a professional community of choice; our aim is to increase membership by 10 percent each year, a figure that we have both sustained and surpassed; while adding value to these professionals.

“We have a loyal base of attendees to these events, which are viewed as both informative sessions as well as valuable networking opportunities,” he explained. “Many of the talks this year have been very technology-focused, so it was refreshing to focus on ‘softer’ skills on this particular occasion. Doug Johnson spoke on maximising project team capabilities and leveraging project stakeholders; while Guy Jelley drilled deeper into the theme by taking attendees through real-life examples of how PPO clients have leveraged stakeholder involvement and engagement in their project and portfolio management methodologies and PPM tools, to ensure great team success, and thus greater project success.

“As the sponsor of the most recent Western Cape event, PPO’s support of the PMSA Western Cape branch in particular has been greatly appreciated and allowed us to set a precedent for other PMSA chapters,” Pressinger adds.

Said Jelley: “PPO’s partnership with the PMSA is one of great strategic value, as we both have the same goal of improving the project management discussion within South Africa, with engagement on both a national and provincial level.

“PPO has seen a great deal of success within the Western Cape province over the past few years, with a growing number of clients based within this region, as well as an active partner. It is an area that we will continue to target strongly in order to further grow our footprint, and we believe that our ongoing engagement with the Western Cape PMSA chapter will bring local users greater value through increased networking and support opportunities.

“Our recent joint event highlighted the importance of discipline within the stakeholder and communications side, and the fact that project managers must be more aware and play a larger role in this space. This topic raised a healthy discussion and questions from our audience and provided good, practical lessons learned,” he added.

About Project Portfolio Office

Project Portfolio Office (PPO) is an award-winning online project portfolio management (PPM) application that assists project teams within organisations of any size and across all industries to plan, manage, collaborate, execute and report on projects, programmes and portfolios.  PPO is simple to use, can be implemented immediately, and is secure and affordable.

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Project Portfolio Office, Guy Jelley, guy@go2ppo.com, www.go2ppo.com