PPO joins forces with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT)

NECT Blog ImageAs an organisation committed to education reform, the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) will dedicate resources to interventions that can be applied across the entire public school system and have a widespread impact. The NECT is working with private sector funding in conjunction with the Department of Basic Education to define the projects that will comprise the programme of systemic change.

 NECT is looking to create a project environment in order to support the objectives of what they have been set up to do. They understand the need for good project management to achieve this and therefore started the journey of becoming a project organisation, and to support that, they have chosen PPO’s simple & effective online project collaboration tool.

PPO is excited by the opportunity to provide the NECT with a simple and and easy to use project management solution.

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Author: Gilly Fish

Ailurophobic (fear of cats) synchronised swimmer and PPO office culture observer and correspondent, with a passion for Tweeting.