PPO finds happy home with Pam Golding

The Pam Golding Property Group Project Office has completed its search for a home-grown, easy-to-use, yet effective, project management solution, opting to roll out Post Vision Technology‘s Project Portfolio Office (PPO) software as a service (SaaS) project management offering.pamgolding

According to Rae Henderson, managing director at Corporate Project Management (CPM), a PPO partner, the Pam Golding Project Office was looking for a solution that could provide central management and visibility of its project portfolio within a Web-based environment.

“The organisation also wanted software that would be cost-effective, quick and easy to implement, could be minimally configured to meet its specific needs, and was well-supported locally. PPO more than met all of the Pam Golding Property (PGP) group‘s requirements, and the company is delighted to kick off the implementation.”

Says Guy Jelley, Post Vision Technology CEO: “PPO will become PGP‘s single project communication and collaboration portal, providing its project stakeholders with key information on projects across the entire organisation. This allows the project stakeholders to better understand project focus, risks and issues, individual project health and progress made on the project portfolios through easy to use reporting and project dashboard functionality.

“As an SaaS offering, PPO offers Pam Golding a more practical alternative to traditional on-premise solutions, not only from a cost-effectiveness point of view, but also in terms of greater accessibility, faster implementation and lower risk,” he adds.

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Author: Gilly Fish

Ailurophobic (fear of cats) synchronised swimmer and PPO office culture observer and correspondent, with a passion for Tweeting.