Fraser Alexander implements PPO

Fraser Alexander, a provider of innovative, customised solutions to the local mining industry, has opted to implement Post Vision Technology‘s Project Portfolio Office (PPO) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) project management solution for its specialist bulk materials handling division, Fraser Alexander Bulk Mech (FABM). The solution was selected in order to assist with the division‘s project governance and its ability to prioritise projects against the overall Bulk Mech strategy.fraser

According to Sean van Rooyen, Managing Director at PPO partner, PM.Ideas, the FABM project management office (PMO) faced a number of challenges, from the inconsistent application of formal project management processes to the lack of a proper project management communication structure.

“The division was not successfully delivering projects and displayed a low level of project management maturity, as well as an inability to learn from previous project-based experiences. Based on these serious challenges, it made the decision to roll out PPO in order to deliver high quality projects in a simplistic and repeatable manner, ensuring predictable outcomes,” he explains.

Van Rooyen maintains that PPO presented the ideal solution for Fraser Alexander based on its requirement for an easily accessible, secure project management system that would be available to the FABM project community anywhere and at any time. “PPO offered the Bulk Mech environment an effective, collaborative system that could ensure simple and effortless administrative activities for the PMO and project managers as well as the paperless dissemination and approval of project outputs.”

Moreover, PPO can incorporate the FABM project management life cycle, providing users with a step-by-step guide for how projects are managed within their environment. It also allows for dashboard and report generation whenever needed and triggers to ensure task execution.

Says Guy Jelley, CEO of Post Vision Technology: “As an SaaS offering, the very nature of PPO will allow FABM staff immediate access to a world class project management tool. Its status as an enterprise capable solution which brings together all the elements of typical projects, from project communication, progress and task tracking, tactical operational decision making and detailed reporting, will enable the division to improve on all elements of project management and thus, boost project success rates.”

Further to its recent installation within the FABM environment, PPO has also been rolled out to the Fraser Alexander Business Development department, with plans underway for the solution to be implemented across the entire organisation.

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Author: Gilly Fish

Ailurophobic (fear of cats) synchronised swimmer and PPO office culture observer and correspondent, with a passion for Tweeting.